2nd  Workshop for knowledge transfer and spin-off promotion at Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences

Wednesday, 25. September 2019


The workshop was held in Olten at the campus of the University of Applied Sciences and the Arts Northwestern Switzerland.


In the 2nd workshop for knowledge transfer and Spin-Off promotion, some key results of the survey on important framing conditions for Spin-Off creation at Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences, at which a total of N= 2050 scientist from Swiss UAS took part, were presented. 


Representatives of all seven public universities of applied sciences in Switzerland responsible for knowledge transfer and the promotion of start-ups and spin-offs as well as representatives from Innosuisse, the ETH and the University of Fribourg were participating. 


Presentation: Promotiong Spin-Off's at Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences
Workshop II.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB
List of Participants
List of participants workshop spin-off c
Adobe Acrobat Document 101.3 KB

First Workshop for knowledge transfer and spin-off promotion at Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences

Friday, 19. January 2018

The workshop was held at the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Olten.

For the first time, representatives of all seven public universities of applied sciences in Switzerland, responsible for knowledge transfer and the promotion of start-ups and spin-offs, met here! In the opinion of all participants, it was high time! The meeting was seen as very inspiring by the participants and will be followed up next year.

Key not speaker was Dr. Tomas Brenner, Head ETH transfer ieLab.
Thomas Brenner spoke on the following topic
«How does ETH promote research-based spin-offs?»

Presentation: Promoting Spin-offs at Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences
ETH UAS Workshop.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.4 MB
Programme of the Workshop
Programm Workshop SPOF.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 580.0 KB
List of Participants
List of Participants.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 100.6 KB