Are you a woman looking for funding, a facilitator needing guidance to get more female founders or an investor wanting to invest in women? We provide information on the topic to create a better understanding, help develop relevant skillsets and insights and facilitate to bring female founders together with investors. Join our community and cause!
If you talk about female founders, you are quickly confronted with strong opinions: some may emphasize the difference between female and male founders, others highlight their equality in face of an entrepreneur’s challenge, and even others question whether there is actually any difference between female and male founders. So, what do we actually know?
Innovative start-ups are of high importance for Switzerland’s competitiveness and societal well-being, but their success depends largely on the accessibility of venture capital. However, the access to investment opportunities is particularly problematic for female founders. International studies show that female founders are less likely to receive external funding than male founders do. The continuous gender bias in investment decisions poses therefore an important threat to the success of highly innovative female led start-ups, which are already much less numerous compared to male founders. The fair and equal access to venture capital is therefore central to address the persistent gender inequality in the Swiss entrepreneurship scene.
Das Eidgenössische Büro für die Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann unterstützt Funding Female Founders mit Finanzhilfen nach dem Gleichstellungsgesetz.
Lucerne School of Business
Institute of Management and Regional Economics IBR
Zentralstrasse 9
Postfach 2940
6002 Luzern