The 20th International Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education

12th–13th April 2018 / Venice, Italy

Noemi Schneider at the 20th International Conference on Gender Equality in Education

At this conference, we presented the first results of our research project about the Persisting Gender Gap in the Field of Academic Entrepreneurship in Switzerland.

The results of our study show the mechanisms, which contributeto gender gaps in academic entrepreneurship in higher education. University's female employees have hardly been discovered as target groups. Thus, only 10.5% of universities of applied sciences offer specific support measures for women in academia. And only 1 out of 7 universities of applied sciences offer mentoring programs for female entrepreneurs while in addition there are no financial resources available to support female founders in academia. Moreover, the awareness for the gender gap in academic entrepreneurshipis low among founding commissioners.

Persisting Gender Gap in the Field of Academic Entrepreneurship
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