
We are happy to keep you updated about our research project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

November 2019 - Latest Publication

Liebig, B./ Schneider, N. (2019): To whom it may concern? Gründungsförderung und Gleichstellung an Schweizer Fachhochschulen. In: Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 3, 100-115,

October 2019 - First results of an online survey among scientists at Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences. offers for the first time a comprehensive, empirically based insight into the framework conditions for entrepreneurial activities at Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences.

March 2019 - Survey


Thank you for participating in our survey on the conditions for knowledge transfer at Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland! About 3`200 scientists took part in the survey.

February 2019 - Conference in Fribourg



Please see latest news under:

January 2019 - Latest Publication

Morandi, P., Liebig, B. & Bläse R. (2019): Fachhochschulen als Start-Up-Schmieden? Voraussetzungen der Gründungsförderung in der Schweiz, in: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, Jg.14 / Nr.2, 95 - 114.

Universities of Applied Sciences as successful breedinggrounds for start-ups? Conditions for fostering start-ups in Switzerland
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