CHESS – Research on Universities and Science in Switzerland

2nd–3rd September 2019 / Zurich, Switzerland

We participated at the workshop “Research on Universities and Science in Switzerland” where we pesented our study "Entrepreneurial Climate at Swiss Universitites of Applied Sciences - a comparative perspective of science and humanities" and presented our latest findings from our survey at seven public universites of applied science in Switzerland. 


In the context of research on universites and science in Switzerland,  the promotion of science-based spin-offs has received growing attention. Universities increasingly provide instruments for academic entrepreneurship, but while these efforts have led to a significant increase in the number of science-based spin-offs in recent years, entrepreneurial activities are still an exception in the humanities and the arts. Starting from perspectives of organizational psychology, our study about Entrepreneurial Climate at Swiss Universities of Applied Science aims to examine some important informal dimensions of spin-off creation at Swiss universities of applied sciences.

Presentation CHESS "Entrepreneurial Climate"
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