The Research Project

Science based spin-offs are becoming increasingly important for economic and social progress in Switzerland. Yet, in-depth knowledge is still lacking about how to promote and foster them successfully and how to motivate specific target groups as for example female academics to engage in business creation processes. Find the latest news from the project here.


Results and Data


First results of a survey among scientists from Swiss universities of applied sciences.

Founders Corner

Results of qualitative Interviews with founders from different disciplines.


See our latest publications in national and international journals.

Our research project generates empirically based knowledge on spin-off formation of academics at Swiss universities of applied sciences. It provides recommendations for political action in research & development and on the promotion of innovation and knowledge transfer at universities.



The results of our study are presented at various conferences. If you would like to learn more about the contributions, please click on the list of conferences, which are listed in chronological order.


We conduct workshops with representatives of all seven public Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland responsible for knowledge transfer and the promotion of start-ups and spin-offs.


The exhibition "Founded at the FHNW" on October 18, 2018 in Brugg presented founders from various faculties of the FHNW.


Learn More

SPOF investigates the entrepreneurial ecosystem that promotes or hinders start-up/spin-off initiatives by scientists at Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences.


The aim is to examine formal and informal framework conditions for academic entrepreneurship within the STEM (natural sciences, engineering, mathematics) as well as within the social and artistic departments. 


The qualitative and quantitative analyses focus on individual attitudes towards entrepreneurship as well as on the needs of (potential) founders at Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences.


Have a look at: spof-map.ch.


Visit us also on our university site:


University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW

School of Applied Psychology

Institute for Research and Development of Collaborative Processes

Louis-Giroud-Strasse 26

CH-4600 Olten

The project is financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation: Project-ID 10001A_172554 (2017-2020)